Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club August 2018


The August 2018 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:01 PM by Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL, Club President.

The Minutes of the July Meeting were published on the Club Website, Motion by Art Sellers W3TZ to approve the Minutes as Published, Motion was seconded by Joel Goldstein W5GOL, the Motion was approved unanimously.

Cathy Haugh KF5UYT Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance                                   $4,630.21

Deposits          Repeater Donation          $40.00

                          50/50  Donations              $38.00

                          Purchase of Club Equip  $60.00

                                     Total                         $4,768.21

Bills Due or Paid    Repeater Electric      $42.00

Ending Balance                                            $4,726.21

Motion Made by Chuck Johnson N5JUD to approve Treasurers Report, Seconded by Jim Weaver KM5YV, Treasurer’s Report was approved Unanimously.

Repeater Report:  Tulsa Link System is up and operating.

New Business:  We are going to be adding a place on the FSAARC Website where people can Pre-Register for VE Testing, you DO NOT have to pre-register, but it will be available.

Mike Cole mentioned that we have information about 3 Silent Keys:  Doug Cain, Ron Cooper & Charles Harrick.

Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to adjourn the Business Meeting, it was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Rutherford   WC5SR

Club Secretary