December 20, 2021
Meeting called to order @ 7:08 pm by President Rory Bowers.
Minutes from previous meeting were posted on the FSAARC Website, Motion to Approve Minutes by Joel Goldstein, W5GOL and seconded by John Annis WO0OOO, Motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report was Presented by John Annis Club Treasurer as follows:
Beginning Balance 9,378.13
Pay Pal 123.26
Dues 100.00
Paid Out
Electric Bill 48.00
Internet Refund 130.00
Ending Balance 9,410.74
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Wayne Johnson W5OFN, seconded by Jim Darrough KI7AY, motion was approved unanimously.
A Presentation was made concerning the Problems at the Cavanal Repeater Site due to Cable Problems, after Discussion, Motion was made by Jim Darrough KI7AY to purchase ½” Heliax for replacement, Motion was Seconded by John Samuels W5ATW, Motion was approved Unanimously.
Also discussed was the fact that the Fence Posts at the Site are beginning to rust out, there is approximately 170 feet of Fencing. This will be discussed further in the future
The Motion approved at the Last Meeting for getting internet service at the Repeater Site, did not work because the company did not have Service there, After Discussion John Samuels W5ATW made a motion to Use T-Mobile for the Internet Service for $50.00 per month for 50 gig service and Motion was Seconded by Mike Bell and Approved Unanimously.
The Annual FSAARC Banquet was discussed and will be held at the Western Sizzlin on Towson Ave in Ft Smith on January 17th.
Election of Officers for the Year 2022 for the FSAARC were as Follows
President: Rory Bowers
Vice President: Dennis Robinson
Secretary: Steve Rutherford
Treasurer: John Annis
The Vote was Unanimous to Elect the Officers
Motion to Adjourn – Approved Unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted: Steve Rutherford FSAARC Secretary.