Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club February 2018

MINUTES for the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club Meeting

The February 19, 2018 Meeting of the F.S.A.A.R.C. was called to order @ 7:02 pm by Club President Jimmie Lowery.

Steve Rutherford Club Secretary advised that the Minutes were posted on the Club Website.  Joe Stokes K5JPS made a Motion to approve the Minutes as posted, Motion was seconded by Jim Roughley K5JUC, Motion was approved Unanimously.

Cathy Haugh, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report at follows:

BALANCE FORWARD                                        $5,855.78


  • Dues Paid                                         150.00
  • Testing Fees                                     375.00
  • Amazon Smile                                     5.96

Total Deposits                                                            530.96


  • Table Rental for Hamfest                   379.39
  • AARL TEST FEES                                 330.00
  • AM TOWER                                        100.00
    • REPEATER ELECTRIC                            42.00                                

TOTAL PAID OUT                                                       851.39

ENDING BALANCE                                               $5,535.3

Rory Bowers K5CKS made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented, seconded by Jim Weaver KM5YV, Motion was approved Unanimously.

Mike Cole W5TMC gave an updated report on the upcoming HAMFEST, he mentioned that WB0W will not he here this year.  He also asked the Club to approve a Budget for the Prizes to be given away at the HAMFEST.

Rory Bowers K5CKS made a motion to allocate $2,500 for PRIZES, David Overton K5DFO seconded the motion and it was approved Unanimously.

It was also mentioned that DXCC Checking will be available at the HAMFEST.

Rory Bowers reported that the REPEATER was working fine.

David McDonald AB5SG announced a CERT Class would be held this Saturday at the EOC at 8:00 am.


Discussion on the Club holding Raffles will be held at the March 2018 Meeting.

Also Discussed was a Presentation being made at the Club Meetings at the Beginning of the Meeting starting next Month and then the Business Session will be conducted.  The Presentations will be Amateur Radio Related.

Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn, it was approved Unanimously and the Meeting was adjouned at 7:39 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Rutherford

Club Secretary.