Minutes of the April 2013 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
The regular meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was held at 7:00 pm on April 15, 2013 at the Sparks Rehab. Board members in attendance were Corey Freeman, President, David Overton, Vice President and Rory Bowers, Treasurer. Mike Cole, Secretary was absent.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President David Overton.
A motion was made by Art Sellers and seconded by Royce Rainwater to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 18, 2013 and approved by all members in attendance.
The Treasurer presented the club with the Treasure’s Report.
Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
March 2013
Opening Balance March 2013 $ 4516.19
Deposits $816.94 in Dues and Hamfest Registrations
3/11 Checks & Cash $215.00
3/11 Paypal $396.94
3/21 Cash & Checks $205.00
Automatic Debits $31.00
3/20 $31.00
Checks Written $ 99.27
3/4 $84.04
3/11 $2995.95
3/16 $171.88
3/26 $29.92
Ending Balance $2051.34
We currently have no undeposited checks and $393.39 credit on Pay Pal.
The Treasurer report was accepted with the following request by the club to break down the report showing what was paid for dues and for the ham fest. It was reported that the club received $440 in rebates on prizes that was offered at the Ham Fest. John Samuels reported the club has a credit for 6 tables with the rental company for next year. They were unable to give cash back.
Chuck Foley reported the club received a check for $300 for selling Dr. Martin’s radio equipment, he also reported that they were unable to sell the tower and rotor,
Vice President, David Overton reported that the new President and Treasurer went to the bank and signed new signature cards for the club. In order to make that change they had to write up minutes showing the Corey Freeman was appointed as President and Rory Bower Treasurer. The bank required that the club present them with a copy of the minutes. It was suggested that for future appointments that minutes reflect these changes so they can be presented to the bank at the required time.
Repeater Report—The committee reported that at this time there is no new information.
John Samuels reported that at this time they have not had time to change the anti ker chunk command on the controller bank. Also reported that the 220 is not back on and is in need of 2 buffers chips in the controller to correct the problem. Discussion was held on if the 220 repeater should be connected to the 12V at the back of the repeater or just plugged in. It was decided that they will connect the 12v to the back of the repeater. When asked what repeater is used the most, everyone agreed it was 64.
New Business—Field Day will be held in June at the Park in Greenwood. It was reported that the Mayor and the City of Greenwood is being very cooperative. It was reported that in the past set up time to start has been at noon on Friday and tear down time start as
soon as field day is over. It was reported that they are encouraging people to work from the EOC this year. The question from the club members is why they are asking people to work from the EOC. There were questions asked on the breakdown of the station. Discussion was also held on upcoming VHF contest. For the Queen Wilhelmena it was reported that they will be set up next to lodge in the campground and can be moved if needed. It was discussed that they would be using 6 meters, 2 meters & 440. If Mark was at the field day they would have an antenna for 220. It was discussed how close the frequencies are on 220 and that there were plenty of people to talk to. Fayetteville linked to local network and also scanner not getting 220.
There being no future business to come before the board the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
s/s Corey Freeman, President