Minutes of the April 2014 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
April 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes
The Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club (FSAARC) April 2014 meeting was called to order by Club president Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL at 7:00 p.m. at the HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital conference room. A motion was made to accept the March 2014 minutes as posted on the Club’s website made by John Samuels W5ATW and the motion was seconded by Art Sellers W3TZ. The treasurer’s report was then read by Chuck Johnson N5JUD who indicated our income from the Hamfest was $6,163.96 and our expenses were $4,509.45 with a balance of $1,654.51. The check book balance was $5,678.00 already and with the income from the Hamfest our balance is currently $7,364.50. Liability and Property Insurance premiums are due for $320.00 and $273.00 respectively. He has requested a printout from the property carrier to see a list of what’s insured and so we can either add to or delete items appropriately. The motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read was made by W5ATW and seconded by W3TZ. There was nothing new from the repeater committee chairman, Wayne Johnson W5OFN. Rory Bowers, K6CKS advised that he had gotten two 40 watt radios to run around 20 watts to use for the link system for the 146.640 repeater and the LeFlore Co., OK repeater at 145.410. Roger Martin W5LW said he could donate some attenuators for Rory to use. Marcel Livesay N5VU advised that he had some antennas and hardline to donate for this need. We were also advised that the repeater clock is now keeping proper time. The next discussion turned toward the van and its current status. The van is needing a regulator to get the mast to work properly it appears. No transmission work had been done on the van since it developed problems the day of the Green Country Hamfest in March at Claremore, OK. It was also mentioned that the Club is awaiting a couple of Yaesu rebates from the Hamfest prizes the Club purchased. An introduction of those in the room in attendance was done with approximately 40 people showing up for this evening’s meeting. New attendees were welcomed to the meeting by Mike Cole W5TMC. W5TMC also reminded everyone that the Club’s picnic is on May 10, 2014 at Ben Geren Park pavilion # 2. The picnic starts around 12:00 noon. Please bring a side dish and drink of your choice and the Club will furnish hot dogs and burgers as well as the condiments and silverware, napkins, etc. A table there can be used to place items to buy or sell. W5TMC also mentioned the June VHF-UHF contest the 2nd weekend in June at Rich Mountain at Queen Wilhelmina State Park, AR. We plan to have a presence there if enough folks will commit. The June testing session is moved up to June 7, 2014 due to conflicts with other events that day. There was no old business. New business- the Club hopes to pick up on the programs for our future meetings. Mike Bell K5JMB motioned for adjournment and this was seconded by W5LW. Meeting ended at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Ricketts- K5KDX, FSAARC Secretary