Minutes of the April 2015 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


APRIL 20, 2015

The monthly meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order by Jimmie Lowery, W5JNL, President at 7:00 pm on April 20, 2015 at the Health South Rehabilitation Hospital. The Minutes from the March Meeting had been posted on the club’s website previously and a Motion was made by Rick Deaton, K5RRD to approve the Minutes as displayed on Website, motion was seconded and approved with no opposition. Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT, Treasurer presented the Treasure’s Report, began with a Balance of $6,817.31 in the bank, Checks written: $1200.00 for Rental of Building for HamFest, $569.62 for Insurance for the Van, $100.00 for Tower Maintenance and $37.00 for electric for the Repeater, leaving a Balance of $4910.69. Cathy also gave a report for the HamFest, our expenses for the HamFest amounted to $5228.29, and we received $4592.00 Cash and Checks for admission, tables and extra ticket sales, we still have $500.00 in PayPal which will be transferred bringing the total of receipts to $5092.00, which shows that we had a loss of ($136.29). Ronnie Ross, KD6RYO made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, it was seconded and the motion carried without opposition.


Mike Cole, W5TMC gave the Activity Committee Report  Three events scheduled: #1 Fox Hunt this coming Saturday Afternoon from 2:00 5:00 pm. We will have THREE foxes and after 5:00 pm will meet somewhere to eat and give out certificates. #2 Club Picnic will be May 16th at Ben Geren Park, probably in Pavilion #3 everyone is asked to bring something to eat and also drinks for their family (non-alcoholic). #3  After this Evening’s meeting we will have programming available to program radios for some of our new hams, if you need your radio programmed, see us after the meeting.

Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, gave the Van Committee Report, the committee proposes that we allow Sebastian County to take over the van, they will accept ownership of the Van, pay the insurance and maintenance on the van, FSSARC will still be able to use the van if needed as long as it is not in use in an emergency situation. Questions were asked and answered, Wayne then made the motion to complete this agreement with Sebastian County, the motion was seconded and a vote was taken, there was no opposition to the motion. This will occur if the Sebastian County Judge approves.

Wayne also shared information that we will need to find a new host for the FSAARC website. David Treat will be at the next meeting to discuss this matter with the Club.

Repeater Committee report was discussed, Art Sellers W3TZ, said that he had been checking on a location for the 146.94 repeater, he is still working on the details and to get an agreement for a location on Mt. Vista in Van Buren, Art also stated he was going to check with Yaesu on the cost for a New Repeater.


Steve Rutherford, WC5SR brought to the Club’s attention that Oklahoma was considering a new law on texting and driving, which could impact Amateur Radio, they have exempted Citizen Band Radio operators but not Amateur Radio in the proposed law. He encouraged those Club Members from Oklahoma to discuss this with their legislators.

Ronnie Ross, KD6RYO brought up the matter of the need to inform those that we hear on the air who are not following correct radio procedures about the correct procedures.

Motion to Dismiss was made, seconded and approved by everyone. The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Rutherford, WC5SR
Secretary F.S.A.A.R.C.