Minutes of the meeting of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club August 2010

No minutes for the July meeting are available at this time due to Jan Eddleman’s sudden illness the following morning after the July meeting. David Overton motioned to dispense with the reading of the minutes, seconded by Wayne Johnson. Motion passed.

Treasury report by Jeff Ricketts: Expenditures for club QSL cards and reserving room for club picnic in October, along with new club member dues brings a current balance of $6920.35 . Motion to accept the report made by Chuck Johnson, seconded by John Samuels. Motion passed.

Activities: Mike Cole reports that the picnic will be in the West Room at the Harry E. Kelly Park on Sunday October 17th from 1-5pm. Cooking is not allowed on the premises, so he has been calling various places for catering prices. All places average $9-$10 per person. Also, a foxhunt will take place that morning, with details to come.

The next club event is the AR/OK State Fair September 24th 2300 UTC through October 2nd 2300 UTC. We will use the club’s call sign W5ANR and will be worked from the club member’s homes rather than at the actual fair. All modes will be used. Contact Mike Cole to sign up for the day, mode and frequency you want: w5tmc@sbcglobal.net , 918-427-1431 or on the 64 repeater.

The current General Class will hold the last class next Saturday. VE’s will come in to the class to test the students. Thanks goes to Jim Scott, John Samuels and Wava Owens for their invaluable help with the class.

Repeater report: Wayne Johnson stated that more work will be done on the 64 repeater once the weather cools down. John Samuels reports that the 94 machine is in the process of being encased and should be on air by the weekend. It will still require the 88.5 tone.



No old business was brought up.


Levi Taylor recently attended the USS Batfish event in Muskogee OK.

Mike Cole suggested the club send a thank you to the Fort Smith Police Department for allowing the use of the classroom for the General Class Instruction.

Jimmie Lowery reported that he is assisting the family of WB5VIY Norris Ferguson (SK) in selling his radio equipment. Most of the equipment is currently listed on eBay under Jimmie’s ID of “Jimmie.L”. Some items are not listed yet, as they are waiting for power cords, etc., to test the equipment before listing.

The Joplin Hamfest will be held on the 27th and 28th of this month. Hotel rooms are still available. Check the Joplin Hamfest website for more information.

The Mena Hamfest will be held the weekend after Labor Day. W5AMI, Brian Sherrod, has designed a new website for the event. There are over $5000 worth of prizes to be given away this year.

ARES is celebrating it’s 75th anniversary this year. More information can be found in QST or online.

Mike Bell moved that the meeting adjourn at 7:30pm. Seconded by Wayne Johnson. Everyone left without a vote, which was interpreted as unanimous approval.


Respectfully Submitted by:

Deborah Kee, Vice President

On Behalf of Jan Eddleman, Secretary