Minutes of the December 2013 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club meeting minutes for Monday December 16, 2013
The December 16, 2013 meeting of the F.S.A.A.R.C. was called to order by club president Corey Freeman who then started the introduction around the room for the NEW people that attended the meeting. He then asked for a motion to accept the November meeting minutes as displayed on the clubs website with a second motion in which a vote followed and the motion was carried.
Corey then turned the floor over to club treasurer Rory Bowers for the financial report which can be viewed on the clubs website. There was a motion made on the floor to accept the financial report with a second in which a vote to accept the report passed.
The floor was then turned over the repeater committee chairman Wayne Johnson who made mention that the 146.640 machine was still showing a hiccup with the Time being fast with Rory Bowers also adding that he thought the UHF side of the controller was having an issue with the ID and that as soon as the hill dried up enough the repeater committee would again go back up on the hill and try to see what the problem is and try to fix it. “Stay Tuned”.
The floor was opened for NEW business with Mike Cole bringing to the attending club members that the January Banquet was on schedule for Saturday evening Jan. 18, 2014 at 6pm at Big Jakes Cattle Co. (Steak House) in Van Buren. He also mentioned that he would keep sending out reminders each week via email and on the Thursday evening net.
The floor was then reopened for NEW business and Mark Clayton brought to the members attention that the annual Hamfest was fast approaching and that we needed to get the Hamfest Committee together and get things started as quickly as possible and that he would contact Hamfest Chairman Jimmie Lowrey and see when the committee could get together and start working on the hamfest.
Corey asked Royce Rainwater about the December 7th Pearl Harbor memorial event in which the clubs van was going to be available and Royce mentioned due to the Winter Weather event they decided to cancel the event for this year.
Royce also made mention that the first weekend in June was going to be the Museum Ships on the Air event and they would look at that event and possibly participate in that event as well as working the ARRL VHF/UHF contest the following weekend.
The floor was again opened for new business and Rory Bowers made mention about using December 31st as the cutoff date to any non dues paid club member to keep receiving the FSAARC Freelists emails. After a lengthy discussion on the floor over the pro’s and cons about this decision there was a motion made on the floor to extend the deadline to March 1st and with a second on the floor there was a vote taken and the motion was passed the deadline be changed to March 1st.
The floor was again reopened for NEW business Mike Bell (K5JMB) made a motion to adjourn and with a second on the floor a vote was taken and the motion carried.
We also want to take this time to give Mrs. Sheri Heart (KF5QQW) A Heart Felt Thank You on behalf of the F.S.A.A.R.C. for the many tasty cookies she has brought to the club meetings throughout the year.
Mike Cole, W5TMC