Minutes of the December 2015 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


The FSAARC met on Monday Evening December 23rd, 2015 with the Meeting being called to order by President Jimmy Lowery, Club President @ 7:07 pm.
The Minutes of the November Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Joe Stokes, K5JPS made a motion to approve the minutes as printed on the website, motion was seconded by Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, the motion was approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh, Club Treasurer presented the Financial Report:  Beginning Balance $5574.65, vave received dues in the total of $365.00, the deposit for the November 50/50 drawing was $16.00, a total of $3925.40 was paid for Hamfest prizes.  The Paypal Account has a balance of $362.25 and one outstanding bill for the Electric at the Repeater in the amount of $38.00, leaving a Balance of $2364.50.  Chuck Johnson, W5JUD made a motion that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as presented, was seconded by Mike Bell, K5JMB and the report was approved unanimously.
Wayne Johnson, W5OFN gave the Repeater Committee Report; the 146.94 repeater is installed in temporary location and is operating correctly, and is available for use.  Wayne also mentioned that when the weather is correct and we can schedule a work day at the site for the 146.64 Repeater there are some things that need to be done, a general Clean-up, the wasps need to be cleaned out and a few other things.
Mike Cole, W5TMC gave the Hamfest Report.  He stated the Prizes that have been purchased are listed on the Hanging Judge Hamfest Website.  Mike also shared that Bob Heil wants to come, it has not been confirmed yet, also ICOM may have a representative here also.  He also shared that at this time there will probably not be a “Hat Maker” at the Hamfest.
Mike also shared that the Annual Banquet will be held at Big Jakes in Van Buren on Saturday January 23rd, everyone is invited, please come out and share in this time of Fellowship.
There was no Old Business.
New Business –
(1)     Two Special Events were mentioned – The National Parks on the Air was discussed with the possibility of FSAARC having an event at the Fort Smith National Historic Site.
(2)     Kids On The Air on January 3rd is a good event to maybe get interest started in some young people
(3)     Richard Davidson KG5GYF and Daniel Galligan  W3RXO will be serving as Net Control Operators for the FSAARC Thursday Night Net.

Mike Bell K5JMB made a motion for the meeting to adjourn, it was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford
F.S.A.A.R.C. Secretary



The FSAARC met on Monday Evening December 23rd, 2015 with the Meeting being called to order by President Jimmy Lowery, Club President @ 7:07 pm.

The Minutes of the November Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Joe Stokes, K5JPS made a motion to approve the minutes as printed on the website, motion was seconded by Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, the motion was approved unanimously. 

Cathy Haugh, Club Treasurer presented the Financial Report:  Beginning Balance $5574.65, vave received dues in the total of $365.00, the deposit for the November 50/50 drawing was $16.00, a total of $3925.40 was paid for Hamfest prizes.  The Paypal Account has a balance of $362.25 and one outstanding bill for the Electric at the Repeater in the amount of $38.00, leaving a Balance of $2364.50.  Chuck Johnson, W5JUD made a motion that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as presented, was seconded by Mike Bell, K5JMB and the report was approved unanimously. 

Wayne Johnson, W5OFN gave the Repeater Committee Report; the 146.94 repeater is installed in temporary location and is operating correctly, and is available for use.  Wayne also mentioned that when the weather is correct and we can schedule a work day at the site for the 146.64 Repeater there are some things that need to be done, a general Clean-up, the wasps need to be cleaned out and a few other things. 

Mike Cole, W5TMC gave the Hamfest Report.  He stated the Prizes that have been purchased are listed on the Hanging Judge Hamfest Website.  Mike also shared that Bob Heil wants to come, it has not been confirmed yet, also ICOM may have a representative here also.  He also shared that at this time there will probably not be a “Hat Maker” at the Hamfest.

Mike also shared that the Annual Banquet will be held at Big Jakes in Van Buren on Saturday January 23rd, everyone is invited, please come out and share in this time of Fellowship.

There was no Old Business.

New Business –

(1) Two Special Events were mentioned – The National Parks on the Air was discussed with the possibility of FSAARC having an event at the Fort Smith National Historic Site.

(2) Kids On The Air on January 3rd is a good event to maybe get interest started in some young people

(3) Richard Davidson KG5GYF and Daniel Galligan  W3RXO will be serving as Net Control Operators for the FSAARC Thursday Night Net.

Mike Bell K5JMB made a motion for the meeting to adjourn, it was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Rutherford

F.S.A.A.R.C. Secretary