Minutes of the February 2013 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
F.S.A.A.R.C. meeting minutes for 02/18/2013
The monthly meeting of the FSAARC was brought to order at 7pm by Club President Cory Freeman who then asked the members that were in attendance to accept the Jan. meeting minutes as posted on the clubs website as where Chuck Johnson made a motion to accept the minutes as posted with Wayne Johnson second the motion and the members voted on and accepted the minutes.
The floor was then turned over to Rory Bowers clubs treasurer who gave the monthly financial report with the ending balance for 02/18/2013 was in the amount of $5148.46 in the FSAARC account.
The floor was again opened for business with comments from Wayne Johnson as well as John Samuels about the Battery purchases for the van and with a brief discussion from the members the decision was made to go ahead and purchase both batteries as soon as possible. There was also mention from Roger Martin of the benefit to purchasing and installing disconnects on both batteries to keep the possibility of unwanted voltage leakage from the batteries when the van was not in use.
Jimmie Lowrey Hamfest chairman then brought to the floor about the need to discuss how much money the club was going to be able to use for the purchase of the prizes as well as the rental of the Columbus Acres facility. The members then voted on approved a total amount of $4000.00 to be used for this year’s Hamfest. Corey Freeman asked about the forums and made mention that there were some VHF/UHF Satellite operators that would come down to our hamfest to do a forum if the club would pay for the fuel and accommodations and after a lengthy discussion on the floor with the rising fuel costs and what it would cost the club to do this a decision was made to look for another resource to fit the clubs budget.
There was then a discussion on the floor about what vendors would be present at the hamfest. New business on the floor was asked for and John Samuels addressed the issue about the newly purchased controller was presently being used on the 145.110 and 444.300 repeater on a temporary basis until the other controller is repaired at the mfg. and re installed.
The floor was reopened for new business and Mike Bell made a motion to adjourn and everyone seconded the motion and of course the vote was carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.