Minutes of the February 2016 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club

Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
February Meeting Minutes

The February Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order on February 15, 2016 @ 7:00 pm by Jimmie Lowery, W5JNL, Club President.
The Minutes of the Previous Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Joe Stokes K5JPS, made a motion to approve the minutes as Posted, Joel Goldstein, W5GOL, seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh, K5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the February Treasurer’s Report, we had a beginning Balance of $2,429.93,  a deposit of $175.00 ( $125 Dues & $50 Hamfest Prize Rebates), current Paypal Balance of $221.34 bring a total of $2,822.27 with one Outstanding Balance for the Repeater Electric Bill of $37.00 leaving a ending Balance of $2,785.27.  Chuck Johnson, N5JUD, made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, motion was seconded by Joe Stokes, K5JPS, and was approved unanimously.
Wayne Johnson, W5OFN gave the Repeater Committee Report, there was no new report on the Repeater, Wayne reported that the Van was getting an awning put on it and a new HF Antenna.  It was discussed that we needed to get some stabilizer for the gasoline in the Generator.
HamFest report given by Mike Cole, W5TMC, Mike stated that Bob Heil will not be able to attend the Hamfest.  Don’t know for sure about D&L if they will be attending or not.  The confirmed dealers to attend are:  Associated Radio, Main Trading Company, Clear Signal and WBOW.
The cost for the meal on Friday night will be approximately $7.00 per person.  Also there will be Card Checking available at the Hamfest.
Mike Cole also made a motion to sell the Antennas that the club has been storing, the Motion was made to list them on the Freelist first and if any of them do not sell then to sell them at the HamFest.  Motion was seconded by Art Sellers, W3TZ motion was approved unanimously.

UPCOMING EVENTS were mentioned:  National Parks On The Air, FSAARC will be participating on March 19th & 20th at the Fort Smith National Historic Site, also the last weekend in April During the Iron Horse Motorcycle Rally.
Field Day will be the Last Weekend in June, which will be the 25th & 26th, we will be setting up on the 24th.

Randy Baggett, KG5NE, stated that his term as Trustee for the Club will expire in August and we need to be thinking about this.
Art Sellers, W3TZ made a motion that the Awards presented at the Club Meeting each January be decided upon by the Active Officers of the Club, motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
After discussion it was decided that the Awards presented should be done by Certificates and not Plaques.  The motion was made by Joel Goldstein, W5GOL and seconded by David Overton, K5DFO, and was approved unanimously.
Mike Cole, W5TMC, announced there will be a Technician Class from 1:00 to 4:00 pm on Saturdays during the month of March at HealthSouth, invite those who might be wanting to get their license.
Mike Bell, K5JMB, made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford
Secretary, F.S.A.A.R.C.