Minutes of the January 2013 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Meeting minutes for Jan. 21, 2013 of the F.S.A.A.R.C.
The banquet/meeting of the F.S.A.A.R.C. for the new year was called to order by Jimmie Lowrey (W5JNL) who then turned the meeting over to the new club president Corey Freeman ( K5GTO). There was a motion on the floor to accept the December meeting minutes as written on the website and with no corrections the motion was voted on and carried.
The new club treasurer Rory Bowers (K6CKS) then gave the financial report stating to the members that as of Jan. 10th there was $4379.22 in the clubs account. We also took the opportunity to welcome a new club member in attendance Mr. James Wood Jr. (KF5QVS).
There was no old business from the floor brought up before the membership so the floor was opened for new business with Mike Bell ( K5JMB ) bringing up the motion to adjourn and the motion was carried so the first meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club for the new calendar year came to a close.
There were 40 people IN ATTENDANCE at this year banquet.
Respectfully submitted by Mike Cole (W5TMC)