Minutes of the July 2016 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
JULY 18, 2016
The July Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mike Cole W5TMC in the absence of the Club President and Vice President.
Introductions of those attending were conducted, we had 17 people attending.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were printed on the Club Website, Joe Stokes K5JPS made a motion to accept the Minutes as printed, 2nd was by Richard Davidson, and the Motion was approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report; we had a Balance Forward of $5,062.78, Deposits Made of $167.95, One Check was written for $179.88 to Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL for $179.88 (Field Day Expenses) outstanding bill of $38.00 (Repeater Electric, leaving a Balance of $5012.85. Motion made by Joel Goldstein W5GOL and was seconded by James Weaver KM5YV and was approved unanimously.
Repeater Committee, no report given, David Overton suggested that we have a workday at the Repeater Location but it should be after it cools down some. Probably have it in September to October timeframe.
Old Business – Charles Floyd W5JE thanked everyone for getting the equipment home from Field Day after he had to leave early.
New Business – W5TMC discussed some classes that would be held in the area on the Radio a CW Class and also a Class on Passing Traffic. If you would be interested in one of these classes contact W5TMC. Mike also touched on the “Gavel Award” and said if any one needed more information or wanted to sign up for Participation in this to contact him.
Mike Bell W5JMB made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, it was approved Unanimously
Respectfully Submitted:
Steve Rutherford WC5SR
FSAARC Secretary