Minutes of the March 2012 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
There was held on the 19th day of March, 2012, a monthly meeting of the membership of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes “club”) at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Center, Fort Smith, Arkansas. The club President, W5JNL, called the meeting to order at 1904 local time, and thereupon presided over the meeting.
Upon motion by W3TZ, seconded by N5JUD, and unanimously approved, the minutes of the preceding monthly meeting were accepted without correction or addition.
The treasurer K5RRD stated that the club had received $200.00 dues and expended $1169.00 in the preceding month, and that the balance in the club account was $7598.04.
W3TZ requested explanation of the expenditures. It was stated $320.00 was an insurance premium, $600.00 was for the purchase of the radio from W5OFN as stated in the preceding meeting, and that ARRL dues for members had been paid.
The discussion briefly diverted to the cost of hamfest prizes – it was stated that, out of the funds at hand, the club would spend $2900 on hamfest prizes and that an additional $100.00 would be spent to purchase a new radio W5ATW had won at the Russellville hamfest which would become a prize at the club hamfest.
Upon motion by N5JUD, seconded by W3TZ, the report of the treasurer was accepted.
W5OFN and W5ATW cleaned the club repeater site, and did grounding work. It was noted that the fencing needs new posts and that a workday at the repeater site is soon needed. W5ATW stated that the north tower guys are sagging and that work on the building soffits is required, but that the roof installed the previous year is keeping the building dry.
A discussion ensued concerning the status of the local gateway to the Tulsa W5IAS wide area repeater system. W5ATW stated that while all antennae had been removed, it appeared that the link hardware for the 442.250 MHz system was still in place on the mountain and in theory could be relocated to the existing club repeater site, albeit at an increase in noise floor to the existing system. K5DFO asked how much noise would be added to the existing VHF system and it was opined by W5ATW to be approximately 5 dB when the UHF system was on air.
W5ATW stated that a new link to the W5IAS system was now operational at McAlester (Pittsburg County) on frequency of 444.625 +5, 88.5 Hz CTCSS and that area stations, favorably located, could access the system through this link. On inquiry by W5JAG, W5OFN stated that listed frequencies for the W5IAS repeater on the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club web site may not be current, and that current frequencies for Southeast Oklahoma gateways may be found at the Pittsburg County Amateur Radio Club web site htto:/www.w5cug.com/repeaters.php.
A discussion of hamfest prizes was had, in particular the relative merits of Kenwood TS-590 and Icom 1C-7200 transceivers as the hamfest grand prize. W5JAY explained the differences in the radios and expressed his opinion that the TS-590 was a better all around radio, and hence better prize. W5JNI, stated he believed the club could get the best price on a TS-590. W5jAY stated that consideration should also be given to Icom IC-7410.
The hamfest will be the first weekend in April. Setup will be the preceding Thursday at 1600 local. Doors Open at C600 local Saturday to Vendors, 0800 local to public. VE vetesting at 0900 local. N5AZQ will coordinate tables. W3TZ states helo will be needed throughout the hamfest.
It was stated WBOW will not attend the hamfest. Known dealers attending are Associated Radio, Palmetto Antenna, and Razorback Radio. It was believed Main Trading Co. will attend. Ozark Threadworks is expected and N5AZQ states that a battery vendor is expected.
The club will have the communication van on display.
There was a call for further old business to come before the club and KG5NE asks if WX5FSM has been renewed. K5RRD stated it was decided that a trustee change to W5OFN had been determined to be in the best interest of the club, and that the renewal application was being executed after the club meeting with the new trustee.
K5JMB moved to adjourn. Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously passed, the monthly meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc., was adjourned at 1940.
W5JAG Edwin G Dooley, Jr