Minutes of the March 2013 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club

March 2013 Meeting Minutes of the F.S.A.A.R.C.

Meeting was called to order by clubs treasurer Rory Bowers at 7pm. While awaiting the arrival of club president Corey Freeman the decision was made to present a short program to the club members BUT due to technical difficulties it was then decided to start the regular meeting.

The floor was turned over the repeater committee chairman John Samuels who gave a run down on the problem with the 220 repeater and spoke a few moments about the Le Flore County repeater.

The floor was then opened for old business and a motion to approve the clubs minutes from the Feb. meeting as well as the financial report that is posted on the FSAARC website was voted on and accepted.

Club treasurer Rory Bowers then gave the financial report for the month of Feb.

Note: The financial report can be viewed in full on the F.S.A.A.R.C. website.

The floor was opened for new business with Mark Clayton presenting information about the April Hamfest i.e. Vendors, Flea Market table availability and an overview of prizes purchased for the hourly drawings as well as the grand prize.  Mark then explained the need for volunteers for the table as well as vendor set up for the Hamfest.

There was also a lengthy discussion on the floor about VE testing, Forums, times related to activities during the day.

Club President Cory Freeman then began a discussion about the June ARRL VHF/UHF contest location and need for equipment and a show of volunteer operators.

He then asked for new business and there was a motion to adjourn and was voted on and carried

Additional Information There was a meeting of the F.S.A.A.R.C. Officers this month to resolve an ongoing issue in regards to taking past club officers off of the check signing authorization form at the bank.

Royce Rainwater (past President) and Rick Deaton ( past Treasurer ) were taken off this authorization list and Corey Freeman ( present club President ) and Rory Bowers ( present club Treasurer ) were added to this list.



Mike Cole, W5TMC