Minutes of the March 17, 2014 Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting
The Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by vice-president Mike Cole W5TMC. The minutes from the February meeting were posted on the club’s website and were accepted after a motion from David Overton K5DFO was made and was seconded by John Samuels W5ATW. W5TMC then called for the Treasurer’s report which was read by club treasurer, Chuck Johnson, N5JUD. Chuck indicated that the club has a total of $6,186.96 in the checking account. Of this amount approximately $3,613.97 is designated for the upcoming hamfest activities and approximately $2,572.99 is designated for Club Funds $242.00 is tied up in our paypal account currently. Several bills including the American Tower, electric, and the van insurance has been paid since our last meeting. N5JUD mentioned that the old briefcase that the treasurer has been using for several years now is falling apart and could stand to be replaced. Wayne Johnson, W5OFN motioned to replace the briefcase with club funds and the motion was seconded by K5DFO. The vote was unanimous in favor of doing so. N5JUD then discussed about hamfest pre-registration and would ask that when payment is submitted, that everyone PLEASE fill out the pre-registration form to go with your payment. At 7:12 p.m. president Jimmie Lowrey, W5JNL arrived at the meeting and handled the meeting at that time. Nothing new from the repeater chairman, W5OFN. Discussion about assessing the club van and getting the 2 year registration sticker on the tag was made. W5JNL was going to check on this. It was also discussed and decided that the van committee needed to meet about the recent transmission trouble the van experienced while being taken to the Green Country Hamfest in Claremore, OK a couple weeks ago.
Mark Clayton, N5AZQ took the floor and discussed the hamfest table situation. He will get club members who purchase tables close together. We have approximately 75 tables and this appears to be enough for our current needs. We are able to get around 5 additional tables if need be. Tom, KG5AJP offered one of his tables if we needed it. N5AZQ indicated that right now, Associated Radio, Ozark Threadworks, D & L antenna, and The Coaxman will be here for our hamfest. Table setup help will be needed around 4 p.m. on Thursday April 3, 2014. Additional help will be needed on Friday April 4, 2014 to assist the vendors in getting their wares set up and brought into the building. Anytime from 12:00 noon on would be a good time to be at Columbus Acres to help out. Fish will be served at C.A. Friday night if you would like to eat there. On Saturday April 5, 2014 an ARRL Forum is set for 10:00 a.m. VE Testing is set for 9:00 a.m. Possibly another ARRL forum will occur at 11:00 a.m for digital communications. This is not definite though. W5TMC has contacted many local media outlets to promote our club and hamfest and we will see how this goes. Michael Davidson, KD5WVW LeFlore Co., OK Emergency Manager took the floor to bring to the club a discussion about linking the 146.640 repeater and the LeFlore Co. repeater at 145.410 during severe weather conditions to give wider and better coverage in this area for reporting storm conditions. Mark, N5NHU also attended and assisted KD5WVW in the presentation. WX5FSM would have primary control as net control during these times. W5OFN made a motion to accept the proposal and N5AZQ seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. W5TMC then reminded everyone that the 2014 Oklahoma QSO Party is this coming weekend and that the 2014 CQ Worldwide WPX contest is at the end of March. With that Mike Bell, K5JMB motioned to adjourn and all seconded the motion closing out this meeting.
Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by FSAARC Secretary- Jeff Ricketts K5KDX