Minutes of the March 2017 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club



The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ft Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:01 pm on the 20th Day of March 2017 by Club President Mike Cole W5TMC.
The Minutes for the previous were posted on the Club Website, Motion to approve the Minutes as posted was made by Joe Stokes K5JPS, Motion was seconded by Joel Goldstein W5GOL, Motion was approved unanimously.

Cathy Haugh, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report, a Beginning Balance of $3,857.02, with Deposits totaling $260.00, with a Balance of $4,117.02, Checks were written for Liability Insurance for $320.00, ARRL (Club Membership Dues) $34.00, and one Bill Due Today for Repeater Electricity $37.00.  Leaving a Balance of $3,726.02.  Motion was made by Wayne Johnson W5OFN, was Seconded by Richard Davidson W5ACP, Motion was approved unanimously.

Introductions of all of those present were made.
Wayne Johnson W5OFN, Repeater Committee Chairman, everything is working as it should.  Wayne also Shared the AR. & OK Emergency Managers from our area are going to be conducting a Net for the EM’s on the 64 Repeater once a Month.


Mike Cole, Club President Shared the List of the Dealers that will be at the Hanging Judge Hamfest.  They are as follows, Associated Radio, WBOW, Embroidered Memories, HamCrazy, Clear Signal & The Battery Station.
The Schedule for help needed at the HAMFEST and Prior to it are as follows:
Thursday the 29th  –  4:00 pm   to  set up tables
Friday the 30th  –  1:00 pm to start unloading Vendors and other sellers
Knights of Columbus will be serving Dinner Cost $8.00
Saturday, April 1st  –  Will need to start getting there between 6:00-6:30 am, also we
Will need members to help after the Hamfest with Clean-up
Admission Cost will be $5.00 per person
Tailgaters will only need to pay for Admission to the Hamfest.

There will be a Fox Hunt on March 26th
The Spring Picnic will be on April 26th @ our regular meeting place HealthSouth Rehab Hospital, the Club will provide the Meat, Members attending will provide other Picnic Related Food.
Mac McDonald, the Sebastian County ARES Director was introduced and he stated that all records were missing and needed those who were members to fill out paperwork again.

Being no Further Business, Mike Bell, K5JMB made a Motion to adjourn the Business Meeting, it was Approved Unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford WC5SR
FSAARC Secretary