Minutes of the May 2012 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
There was held on the 21st day of May, 2012, a monthly meeting of the membership of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes “club”) at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Center, Fort Smith, Arkansas. The President, W5JNL, called the meeting to order at 1901 local time, and thereupon presided over the meeting.
W5TMC questions whether the minutes of the preceding month’s meetings have been posted online. A motion to waive reading of minutes was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
The treasurer K5RRD stated that the balance in the club account was $7060.50. A motion to accept the report of the treasurer was made, seconded, and passed unanimously, whereupon the report of the treasurer was accepted.
K5RRD stated the callsign WX5FSM had been received.
K6CKS stated that the voice chip in the repeater controller had been replaced, and that programming for voice announcements remained to be done. 1
W5ATW stated that a power amplifier for the Tulsa Link repeater equipment had been sourced, and needed to be tested and installed. W5ATW also stated the top guys on the club tower were loose, and that it was possible the ground mounts securing the guys had shifted.
W5OFN states that the EEOC is now operational, and that permanent internet should have been installed this date, and that permanent phone service should be installed in the next few days.
W5TMC states the club picnic was successful and enjoyed by all. The matter of Field Day, the same being the last weekend in June, is brought before the club. W5TMC states he may not be able to operate this year as a consequence of previous family commitments. W5JNL wants to know who will be available for operating. A discussion wash had whther the club should use beam antennas as in previous filed days, or wire antennas. Ir was decided that dipoles would be used, and setup would be moved to Saturday morning.
A wide ranging and animated discussion was had about club beam antennas and their status, with particular emphasis on ability to be mounted on the club communications van. W5JE expressed strong dissatisfaction with the Mosley mini beam owned by the club. W5ATW expressed angst at the perceived indifference of Mosley customer several if repair parts should be needed. It was determined a Cushcraft A-3 owned by the club would be more suitable and capable of being mounted on the telescoping tower on the van.
It was ultimately determined that the Van would use a phone station with a beam antenna, and all other stations would use wire antennae. The club will provide drinks, the customary Saturday evening meal, and Sunday brunch.
K6CKS stated that the ARRL VHF contest is June 9-10 and that two sites are reserved at Queen Wilhelmina State Park but have not been paid for. On a show of hands, several members were interested in operating the contest. It was moved by W5JE, seconded by N5JUD, that as the club van and call would be used, the club should pay for the sites. On a show of hands the motion passed without dissent.
W3TZ stated the Knights of Columbus request the club’s assistance with Oktoberfest as in years past. Some discussion of this was had, but was deferred to subsequent meetings.
AC5DC wants to reschedule VE testing as the next scheduled test would conflict with Ham Comm and the VHF contest. There was no opposition to this request and VE testing will be rescheduled to avoid the multiple conflict.
KD5HVK announces that Jenny Lind Fire Department will donate six (6) used Motorola HT’s to the club, and he has the radios resent. The offer is accepted and N5JUD suggests a thank you letter be provided for the generous donation.
W5TMC states that there is new emergency management in place in Sequoyah County.
W5ATW states that the old 145.410 repeater equipment will be installed on Leflore County Tower #2 and that this will close a coverage gap now existing, particularly for storm spotting.
K5JMB moved to adjourn. Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously passed, the monthly meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc., was adjourned.
W5JAG Edwin G. Dooley, Jr.
1 archival note: The club repeater on frequency 444.500 MHz, long off the air, has been returned to operational status since the date of the last club meeting.