Minutes of the May 2015 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club


May 18, 2015

The May 2015 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mike Cole, W5TMC, Vice-President.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were published on the Club Website, David Overton, K5DFO made a motion that the Minutes be approved as published, the motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

The Treasurer Kathy Haugh had not arrived at this time, so the Treasurer’s Report was passed at this time, to be done upon her arrival at the meeting.

The Van Committee report was given by Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, he stated that we were still waiting on approval from the Sebastian County Judge’s Office about the action taken by the Club at the last meeting. Motion was made by David Overton, K5DFO to table any further discussion on this until the Judge advises of his decision, motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

The Repeater Committee was given, everything is OK with the 146.64 Repeater, it was also mentioned that we were going to need to schedule a Work-day at the Repeater site to cut the grass in the near future.

Mike Cole reported that Jimmy Lowery had been in touch with Art Sellers and he had not heard anything from the site on Mt. Vista where we wish to place the 146.94 repeater. This is still on standby until we hear back from them.

A discussion was held on purchasing a Yaesu Repeater to replace the 146.94 repeater, it would be used via either analog or digital radios. The Repeater can be purchased for $500.00 at this time, we will need to purchase and antenna and hard line to install this repeater. After much discussion a Motion was made by Ronnie Ross, KD6RYO to purchase the repeater and articles needed for installation, the motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Cathy Haugh KF5YUT, Club Treasurer arrived and presented the Treasurer’s Report. The Balance in the Club Checking Account is $6315.79, Chuck Johnson N5JUD made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report it was seconded and approved Unanimously.


There was no Old Business discussed


Mike Cole mentioned that as our Website is being redone and we need to Change the Host of the Website, he said that David Treat who is our Webmaster suggests that we change to BLUE HOST as the Host site for the FSAARC website. The Cost for using their service is as follows: for 1 yr of Hosting $107.40, for 2 yrs – $179.40, and for 3 yrs – $250.20, a discussion was held and Chuck Johnson, N5JUD made a motion to accept the recommendation, the motion was seconded and Approved Unanimously.


Mike Cole mentioned the FSAARC Picnic will be Saturday May 23rd @ Ben Geren Park on Zero Street in Ft. Smith. The Club will furnish the Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Buns, Club Members are asked to bring other Picnic Items and a Drink.

The Upcoming UHF-VHF Contest was discussed. It will be the 2nd weekend in June. Rory Bowers K6CKS, agreed to being the Contact Person for those who would like to participate

A question about whether the Club had ever received confirmation that we will be hosting the Delta Division Convention at our Hamfest next year, Mike Cole stated we had not received any confirmation yet, however it is in the works.

John Zellner KD5II wanted to Donate a 52 ft HyGain crank up tower to the Club, which the club can then resell. The consensus of the Club was to accept this offer.

Mike Bell, K5JMB made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 7:57.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Rutherford, WC5SR

FSSARC Club Secretary