Minutes of the May 2016 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
MAY 16, 2016
The Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club, met in it’s regular Monthly Meeting on May 16, 2016 at the HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital.
Rory Bowers, K5CKS, Vice President called the Meeting to order 7:02 pm.
The Minutes of the April Meeting were published on the Club Website for everyone to read. John Samuels W5ATW made a Motion to approve the Minutes as printed, Motion was Seconded by Randy Baggett KG5NE, and the Motion was approved Unanimously.
Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. We had a Beginning Balance of $5,541.17 and Total Deposits of $110.00, Bringing the Account to $5,651.17. Two Bills have been paid for a Total of $264.14 and we have 2 still to be paid with a Total Due of $140.oo, leaving an ending Balance of $5,247.03. Mike Cole W5TMC made a Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Motion was seconded by Richard Davidson W5ACP. The Motion was approved unanimously.
Everyone at the Meeting then introduced themselves.
Repeater Committee Report by Wayne Johnson W5OFN, Wayne Reported that the road to the Repeater Site had been smoothed out. Also said when Weather Improved we would need to do some needed work on the Building at the Repeater Site, also said he would advise when this would be done.
Old Business – NONE
New Business _ Mike Cole W5TMC advised that there were Four (4) Events coming up that we needed to be aware of:
(1) Club Picnic this coming Saturday @ 4:00 pm at Ben Geren Park, Pavilion #2, Members need to bring a Picnic Item of Food and also Drinks, the Club will provide the Meat for the Picnic. Mike also suggested we might bring Chairs.
(2) ARRL VHF Contest – June 11th-13th – will be held at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Royce Rainwater, KE5TC, spoke about the set up, there are 2 campsites reserved, there will be 3 stations being used ( 2 meters, 440, 6 meters) Food will be on your own, for more information contact Jeff Ricketts K5KDX.
(3) Kid’s Day will be held June 18th, Mike said that he will be setting up at the Park in Roland and everyone was welcome to come there and help with this event, or you could do this at your own station. The time will be from 1:00 pm to 6:59 pm on that day.
(4) Field Day was mentioned it will be on June 24th – 25th at Greenwood at Bell Park. The Discussion was about the various things needed for the Field Day Event, one thing that was mentioned was we need people to Volunteer to be Captains for the Different Stations, if you would like to Volunteer for that you can email Mike @ W5TMC@ARRL.NET.
Joe Stokes 5JPS mentioned that the Testing Session to be held on June 11th will be the last Test using the Current Question Pool for the EXTRA exam. After that the question pool will be updated.
Mike Cole W5TMC also mentioned that he is presently working on setting up Information Sessions to be called “Amateur Radio Topics” that will be held at HealthSouth on Saturdays. These will start after we complete Field Day, probably in August.
Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Meeting, Wayne Johnson W5OFN seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Rutherford
FSAARC Club Secretary