Minutes of the November 2010 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
At 7:00 PM the meeting was called to order by President Rick Deaton
Chuck Johnson made a motion that the minutes from the October picnic meeting be approved as read. It was seconded and passed. President Rick Deaton explained that Sandy Evans is taking minutes since Jan Eddleman is in the hospital. Treasurer Jeff Ricketts gave a report. He had not received a bank statement since the October meeting and stated a summary of recent income and expenses. He will be taking dues after the meeting and is working on a system to take dues through the web site. Wayne Johnson made a motion to accept the report. It was seconded and passed.
Wayne Johnson, Repeater Chairman, reported that the 444.5 machine is temporarily up until the 444.3 machine is running again. John Samuels stated that when he was at the Hamfest in Enid, he found two repeaters with only minor problems that can be fixed. To go with it, he negotiated the power supply, rack, 110 watts amp, complete repeaters and they required little tuning. Art Sellers made a motion to purchase the repeaters and to give John gas money for a total of $275. The motion was seconded and passed.
The road to the repeater building needs gravel. John Samuels can get a load of rock for approximately $75 to $80 and we need about 4 loads. The county will provide the truck and labor and we will approach the people at Clearchannel if they would help with the cost. David Overton made a motion that we purchase four loads of gravel not to exceed $400. It was seconded and passed unanimously. It was addressed that there were ground leads that were stolen and have not been recovered. The guy wires are not grounded. They are working on the situation.
Mike Cole reported that there aren’t any activities until the banquet on Monday, January 17 at Golden Corral. Cost is $12 including the drink.
President Rick Deaton presented the 2011 board officer nominations that were announced at the last meeting. Since there were no nominations from the floor at the October meeting, they remain as follows:
President Royce Rainwater
Vice President David Overton
Treasurer Rick Deaton
Secretary Sandy Evans
The slate of officers was voted on and passed unanimously.
In New Business, John Samuels reported that they are working on the next Hamfest. Most all of the vendors from the previous years are returning including electronic and embroidery vendors.
Arkansas needs a new section manager to represent the western part of the state.
Mike Bell made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned. Many members stayed after the meeting to pay dues.
Submitted by
Sandy Evans