Minutes of the November 2014 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
Minutes for the FSAARC November 2014 meeting
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on 11-17-14 by club president, Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL. The minutes from Octobers meeting were accepted after Art Sellers W3TZ made motion to accept minutes as posted on the club website. Chuck Johnson N5JUD seconded the motion and the motion subsequently passed unanimously. N5JUD read the treasurers report and indicated that the club account had a balance of $5,652.73 as of 10-22-14. We still have not gotten all the rebates from Yaesu on the Hamfest prize purchases. W5JNL advised that one of the rebates had come in. W3TZ asked about the 501C(3) status and W5JNL answered his question. Wayne Johnson W5OFN motioned to accept the treasurers report and it was seconded by Steve Rutherford WC5SR and it passed unanimously. W5OFN had nothing new from the repeater committee.
Mike Cole W5TMC asked that everyone be sure to make sure you are on the free list if you are a club member so you get pertinent e-mails regarding club activities. The January 2015 Banquet will be back at Big Jakes Restaurant in Van Buren, AR.
N5JUD brought up the ARC at UAFS The people at UAFS wanted to know if we were going to work with them. As an example the Russellville ham group worked with ATU and ATU are charged $30.00 with ID. Age 55 and up is $25.00 material fee is $20.00 for a manual and $15.00 for testing. The FSAARC could not charge anything but UAFS would charge something like $30.00 in fees plus the cost of the license and manual. We have not talked to them about what they charge and that we cannot charge. W5TMC indicated that we as a club do the same thing for free. The people have to pay for their own manual and for the testing. David Overton K5DFO suggested that we were not ready to take this on and that we need further discussion with the University. Chuck will talk to the UAFS contact and discuss this further.
Royce Rainwater KE5TC discussed the possibility in working with Michael Davidson of LeFlore County, OK EOC regarding the €œStorm Ready Community € signs you see along the highways in OK. He wanted to know if it would be OK for them to list the 146.640 repeater as a frequency for the general public to listen to. They are wanting to place about 18 signs. W5OFN suggested we see an example sign before saying yes. W5JNL mentioned that we are still in need of a treasurer. Got real quiet. We then got a volunteer in Kathy Haugh KF5UYT to take the treasurer position. W5OFN made a motion to accept to nomination. N5JUD seconded the motion. The nomination was put to the floor and the vote was unanimous.
Other new business. W5TMC indicated that we need some hamfest committee members Volunteer members are W5TMC, N5JUD, Jeff Ricketts K5KDX, W3TZ and W5JNL. W5TMC suggests a conference call discussion about this. K5KDX advised that the ARKAN club in NW Arkansas had finished tallying the scores for the Arkansas QSO Party 2014. The Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club- W5ANR won a certificate for 1 place in Sebastian County, AR for multi-operator single transmitter entry. The club had 6,837 total points with 133 QSOs and 43 multipliers. A copy of the certificate was given to W5OFN for placement on the wall at the Sebastian Co. EOC. W5JNL
then mentioned that K5KDX had scored 42,749 points with 531 QSOs working all 12 hours. W5ANR has a WAS now on LoTW. We €™ll have to pay the per contact fee and the fee for the certificate. W5JNL asked for a motion which was made by W5OFN and seconded by W3TZ All were in favor and none opposed.
No other new business was brought up. K5JMB motioned that we adjourn the meeting and so it was.
Minutes submitted by Jeff Ricketts K5KDX- FSAARC Secretary 2014