Minutes of the October 2020 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club

At 7:00 PM the meeting was called to order by President Rick Deaton.

Treasurer Jeff Ricketts gave the treasurer’s report and stated that the amount collected for the picnic pretty much covered the expenses.  He also reminded everyone that it will soon be time to pay dues for 2011.  David Overton moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted.  It was seconded and passed.

 Wayne Johnson, Repeater Chairman, reported that the 94 machine was back on the air and that the 444.3 machine was working. John Samuels reported that we might need a new controller before the year was out and asked about putting the 444.5 machine on Cavanaugh Hill.

President Deaton thanked Mike Cole for his work in putting together the picnic.

In new business, President Rick Deaton reported that the Board had made the following nominations for officers for the 2011 year:

President Royce Rainwater
Vice President David Overton
Treasurer Rick Deaton
Secretary Sandy Evans

There were no nominations from the floor.

John Samuels moved that gift certificates be purchased and given to Roger Martin and Russell Cowles for all the work the did to turn up the repeater.  The motion was seconded and passed.

There being no further business, Jim Roughley moved that that meeting be adjourned.  It was seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Eddleman


A note from the secretary:

Thank you to all the Club members for your thoughts, prayers and visits during my recent illness.  A special thanks to those who did my job and took the minutes

Jan, KD5OZ