Minutes of the September 2012 meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club
The FSAARC held its monthly meeting the evening of Sept. 17 at 7pm in the main conference room at the Health South Rehabilitation Hospital located at 1401 South J Street in Ft. Smith Arkansas with David Overton ( FSAARC Vice President ) officiating the meeting.
The meeting began with introductions from around the room with 3 new people in attendance followed by discussion and tabling of the club minutes from the Aug. meeting to investigate why they weren’t posted on the clubs website. Rick Deaton ( FSAARC Treasurer ) presented to the club the updated club finances and monthly deductions ie. electric bill as well as the clubs van mechanical upgrades which were discussed in detail by John Samuels ( W5ATW ) and were approved by the members in attendance.
NEW business for the month consisted of Art Sellars ( W3TZ ) requested help from the club to provide support in the parking detail for the Octoberfest for Columbus Acres the weekend of Oct. 12 and 13 followed by Mike Cole ( W5TMC ) bringing to the clubs attention of the Oct. monthly meeting/Picnic and Club Officer nominations location and time in the Rose room at Creekmore Park the Saturday Oct. 20.
David Overton ( K5DFO ) also brought to the groups attention that the club needed a volunteer to fill the secretary position for the remainder of the year and Mike Cole ( W5TMC ) had a weak moment and volunteered to take over the position.
Wayne Johnson ( W5OFN ) brought to the clubs attention of the NEW installation of a weather station at the County EOC that was accessible via the internet and he would send out information on how to access and view the weather data. John Samuels ( W5ATW ) also mention that the Le Flore county EMD had applied for more grant money to install more weather stations throughout his county at public schools for the benefit of monitoring severe weather. There were multiple discussions about taking time to go to the NEW EOC in Ft. Smith as well as the NEW software installation at the Ft. Smith Radar site. The discussion on the floor was turned over to Rory Bowers ( K6CKS ) who discussed the present work on the 220 repeater as well as how the other club repeaters were functioning.