Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club January 2019
The January Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order by Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL Club President at 7:01 pm on January 21st.
The Minutes from the December Meeting are on the Website, Motion by Mike Cole W5TMC to approve the December Minutes, seconded by Rory Bowers K5CKS, Motion was approved Unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by John Annis WO0OOO Club Treasurer as follows:
Beginning Balance: $5,411.85
EXPENSES: $43.00 (Repeater Electric), $15.99 (Domain Renewal for Hamfest), $434.25 (Table Rentals for Hamfest)
Ending Balance: $5,232.56
Motion by Joel Goldstein W5GOL to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Seconded by David McDonald AB5SG and Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.
Repeater Committee Report: Wayne Johnson W5OFN and Rory Bowers K5CKS, trouble with Weather Link to NWS Tulsa, Locks had been removed a Decision was made to Move the Equipment as decided by the Repeater Committee everyone agreed with this.
Mike Cole gave an update on the upcoming HAMFEST: so far only 2 confirmed Dealers: ASSOCIATED RADIO and EMBROIDERED MEMORIES, others may still be there, waiting on confirmation.
NEW BUSINESS: Jim Weaver KM5YV discussed a FOX HUNT that will be upcoming, no date set yet.
Jim also discussed the agreement to send QSL Cards through the Club.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR discussed upcoming Testing the Testing Days will remain the SAME, those testing for their Technician License will not receive it until the Government Shutdown Ceases, those Testing for their General or Extra, will be able to use their new Class with the AG or AE suffix to their license after passing the tests.
David (Mac) McDonald spoke concerning the ARES/RACES Meeting tomorrow evening at the Sebastian County EOC.
Discussion about the possible participation in an HF Net, several indicated interest.
Erik Willke KG5WOY spoke concerning putting up a DIGIPEATER on 144.39, several people indicated interest.
No Other New Business – Motion by Mike Bell K5JMB to Adjourn the Meeting, Motion was approved Unanimously, Meeting Adjourned at 8:03 pm
Steve Rutherford, WC5SR
FSAARC Club Secretary