Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club June 2018

The JUNE 2018 Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:10 PM by Jimmie Lowrey, W5JNL.

The Minutes from the May Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Joe Stoke K5JPS made a Motion to approve the Minutes as Printed, seconded by Mike Cole W5TMC, the Motion as Approved Unanimously.

Cathy Haugh, KF5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning Balance: $4559.75

Deposits 25.02 Dues
12.06 Amazon Smiles
500.00 Sale of Equipment

Bills Paid/Due 43.00 Repeater Electric
14.95 Clamps
395.65 Web Site

Ending Balance $4,643.21

Joel Goldstein made a Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Joe Stoke K5JPS seconded the Motion, it was approved unanimously.

Field Day was discussed, it will be a Belle Park @ Greenwood we will have CW stations, Digital Stations and SSB Stations.

We will have Generators on Scene along with the Sebastian County Emergency Management Unit. Everyone will be meeting early Saturday Morning for Set-up. Pulled pork Sandwiches will be provided for the Saturday Evening Meal.


Report on Chuck Foley, he is out of ICU and will be having a Heart Cath tomorrow.

Cheryl VanSickle is Ill and we need to remember her.

Joe Stokes brought a Climbing Harness and it was raffled off with the proceeds going to the Club. Jimmie Lowrey had the winning bid of $60.00.

Mike Bell W5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Monthly Meeting, it was approved Unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted:
Steve Rutherford WC5SR
Club Secretary.