Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club May 2021


The May Meeting of the Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order @ 7:03 PM by Rory Bowers, Club President.  There were 13 Members present and 1 visitor.

The Minutes from the April Meeting were posted on the Club Website, Mike Bell K5JMB made a motion to approve the Minutes as posted, seconded by Wayne Johnson, W5OFN, Motion was approved unanimously.

Club Treasurer John Annis was not present, so Approval of the Treasurer’s Report was continued to the June Meeting.

REPEATER REPORT – There is noise on the Clubs 146.64 repeater with winds, the Sycamore Repeater and Jerry Tuckers repeater are working fine.

OLD BUSINESS – The Update to the Club’s Website and the Hanging Judge Website have both been transferred and the UPDATE is continuing and will be done ASAP.

NEW BUSINESS – Field Day was discussed and are trying to get people interested in working Field Day it will be on the 26th & 27th of June.

Motion Made by KE5JMB to Dismiss the Meeting it was Approved Unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted by  Steve Rutherford, WC5SR, FSAARC Club Secretary