Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club September 2018
The September 2018 Meeting of the Ft. Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was called to order on September 17, 2018 @ 7:02 pm by Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL Club Presidents.
Club Secretary Steve Rutherford WC5SR advised that the Minutes from the August 2018 Meeting were posted on the Website. Art Sellers W3TZ made a motion to approve the Minutes as posted on the Website, the motion was seconded by John Annis WO0OOO, and it was approved unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report as follows:
August Balance Forward $4,726.21
Donation Cash from 50/50 56.00
Dues (K5YTM) 25.00
New Balance $4,807.21
Bills Paid:
Jimmie Lowrey Postage 41.00
Rory Bowers Trip to Tulsa (Link up) 53.50
Repeater Electric 15.00
REPEATER REPORT – Rory Bowers K5CKS reported that the 300 Repeater is down, the antenna needs to be replaced, the other repeaters are working fine. The Tulsa link is also working fine.
ACTIVITIES REPORT – Mike Cole W5TMC advised that the Club will be having a Special Event Station during the Arkansas Oklahoma State Fair, if you want to participate, get in touch with Mike for scheduling, the Special Event Call Sign K5F will be used.
Mike also advised that the October Meeting will be held at HealthSouth Hospital, we will begin at 7:00 pm with a Pot Luck Dinner and then conduct the Meeting. Nominations for Club Officers for the Upcoming year will be made at this meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jim Darrough KI7AY wife passed away suddenly, the Funeral will be on September 29th @ Royal Oak Cemetery.
Carl Warfield KA5MEI is in the hospital, has West Nile Virus, visitors are restricted at this time.
INTRODUCTIONS WERE MADE BY ALL PRESENT, one of our Visitors Mary Sheldon N1RKO shared about the Group “Summits On The Air” .
Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to adjourn the Business Meeting, Motion was approved Unanimously.
After the Meeting Bill Priakos W5SJ shared about a recent DX Expedition.
Respectfully Submitted:
Steve Rutherford WC5SR
Club Secretary