Minutes of the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club October 2018
The October Meeting of the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club was held on October 15, 2018 at HealthSouth Hospital in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. The Meeting was called to order at 7:16 pm by Jimmy Lowery W5JNL ,Club President.
Steve Rutherford WC5SR, Club Secretary advised that the Minutes from the September Meeting were published on the Club WebSite, Motion was made by Joe Stokes K5JPS made a Motion to Approve the Minutes as Posted, Seconded by Joel Goldstein W5GOL, Motion was approved Unanimously.
Cathy Haugh KF5UYT, Club Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report as follows:
Balance Forward $4,696.21
Donations 50/50 $33.00
Cash $23.00
Dues $ 33.40
Bills Due/Paid
Repeater Electric $42.00
Ending Balance $4730.21
Motion by Joel Goldstein W5GOL to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented, Seconded by Randy Cooley K5UTM, Motion was approved Unanimously.
REPEATER REPORT by Rory Bowers K5CKS, reported that the 444.3 Repeater has been put back in service as is working fine.
DECEMBER MEETING will be our Club Banquet and will be held at the Western Sizzlin on Towson.
NEW BUSINESS – KA5MEI Aaron Warfield, has been moved from Sparks to a Rehab facility, he is not doing well, and is not up to having visitors.
PRESIDENT – Mike Cole W5TMC, Jimmie Lowrey W5JNL, Jeff Ricketts K5KDX, Motion made by Joe Stokes, K5JPS to end nominations
VICE-PRESIDENT – Jim Weaver KM5YV, Rory Bowers K5CKS. Motion by Jim Darrough KI7AY to end nominations.
SECRETARY – Steve Rutherford WC5SR. Motion by Ray Van Syckle KG5GTK to end Nominations.
TREASURER – Jeff Ricketts K5KDX & John Annis. RayVan Syckle KG5GTK made the Motion to end nominations.
Voting will be held for these positions during the November Meeting
Mike Bell K5JMB made a Motion to Adjourn the Meeting, the Motion was approved unanimously.
under new business
Correction. As listed KD5MEI Aaron Swearingen
Should read KA5MEI Carl Warfield
Thank you for the correction, I have updated the post to reflect the new information.
John Annis – WO0OOO