by John Annis | Dec 5, 2018 | Club Information
The FSAARC mail list is an email list that is intended to allow FSAARC Club Members to send a message to all subscribed members and receive emails from other members. is intended to passing information of interest to club members, such as Announcements, Club Events,...
by Steve Rutherford | Aug 23, 2018 | Club Information, General, Licensing & VEC
Please use the form below to let us know that you are planning on attending an upcoming VEC testing session hosted by the Fort Smith Amateur Radio Club. Testing is held on the second Saturday of each even number month in the conference room at the Sebastian County...
by John Annis | Feb 12, 2018 | Club Information, General, Hamfests & Field Days
Hello everyone, With a new year already started and with most Hams who are looking forward to the Hamfest season we are excited to announce our NEW location for the Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Clubs annual Hanging Judge Hamfest to be held Saturday April 7, 2018 at...
by John Annis | Oct 12, 2017 | Club Information, General, Hamfests & Field Days
Hello everyone, I have been working on a design for the flyer for the 2018 Hanging judge hamfest and I would like to get some input and feedback from the members. I am including the current revision with this post to the FSAARC website and I will make sure that...
by John Annis | Oct 9, 2017 | Club Information, General, Hamfests & Field Days, Licensing & VEC, News & Articles, Newsflash
The 2018 F..A.A.R.C sponsored Hanging Judge Hamfest will be Saturday April 7, 2018. Our NEW location will be at the Old National Guard Armory located at 8400 South Zero Street. This is now the Sebastian County Emergency Communications and Training Facility. This is...
by John Annis | Jul 30, 2013 | Club Information, Uncategorized
We ALL know that the month of August can be a brutal month with temps reaching the Century mark and higher so, what better way to beat the heat than staying under the airconditioning and “play” radio. As a reminder be sure to invite NEW HAMs to come over...